What Have we Learned? Reflections on the Past Day and a Half

Panel Discussion
Friday, September 15, 2017 - 3:45 pm

Presenters from the conference will offer their thoughts on what they have learned from the ideas and perspectives presented over the course of the meeting, and the implications for research and practice. The audience will be invited to reflect on how academics, nonprofits, and companies can more effectively work together to promote working diversity and inclusion programs in the technology workforce and educational programs.

What Have we Learned? Reflections on the Past Day and a Half

Emilio J. Castilla
MIT Sloan School of Management

Emilio J. Castilla is the NTU professor of management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He joined MIT in 2005, after being a faculty member in the Management Department at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. He is currently the head of the Work and Organization Studies Group. He is also a faculty member of the Institute for Work and Employment Research at MIT, and a research Fellow at the Center for Human Resources at the Wharton School. He received his post-graduate degree in Business Analysis from the Management School in Lancaster University (UK) and his Ph.D. in Sociology from Stanford University.

Professor Castilla studies how social and organizational processes influence key employment outcomes over time. He tackles his research questions by examining different empirical settings with longitudinal datasets, both at the individual and company levels. His focus is on the screening, hiring, development, and job mobility of employees within and across organizations and locations, as well as on the impact of teamwork and social relations on performance and innovation. Recently, given the widely popular goals of promoting meritocracy and creating opportunity inside institutions, his work has focused on the role that merit and merit-based work practices play in shaping employees’ careers in today’s workplace. He has published chapters in several books as well as articles in a number of scholarly journals. Examples of recent articles include Achieving Meritocracy in the Workplace, Sloan Management Review (2016); Accounting for the Gap: A Firm Study Manipulating Accountability and Transparency in Pay Decisions, Organization Science (2015); House of Green Cards: Statistical or Preference-based Inequality in the Employment of Foreign Nationals (with Rissing), American Sociological Review (2014); and The Paradox of Meritocracy in Organizations (with Benard), Administrative Science Quarterly (2010). He has also written a book on the use of longitudinal methods in social science research titled Dynamic Analysis in the Social Sciences (published by Academic Press/Elsevier). He received the W. Richard Scott Award for Distinguished Scholarship in 2001 and the Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior Award in 2011.

Professor Castilla has taught in various degree programs at MIT Sloan, the Wharton School, and a number of other international universities. His teaching interests include Strategic Human Resource Management, Leading Successful Organizations, Career Management, and Strategies for People Analytics. In addition to teaching full time MBA and executive courses, he has taught several PhD-level seminars. For more information, visit his web page.

Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Psychology
University of California, Berkeley

Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton is Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is also Associate Executive Dean of Letters & Science and co-director of the Relationships and Social Cognition Laboratory. His professional interests include stereotyping and prejudice from the perspective of both target and perceiver, health outcomes of intergroup bias, and educational achievement. In 2015, he received the Chancellor's Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence (CAAIE) for his work on promoting diversity and advancing equity and inclusion through scholarship, research, teaching, and service.

Sanaz Mobasseri
Doctoral Candidate
UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Sanaz Mobasseri is a doctoral candidate in the Management of Organizations Department at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business. Her research examines the role of emotion, cognition, and culture in shaping social networks and labor market outcomes. Much of her work is situated in organizational settings, where she examines the microfoundations of workplace inequality. Although grounded in sociology and organizational theory, her work integrates theoretical insights from social psychology and sociolinguistics. Her research methods are similarly diverse, ranging from experimental studies in the lab to audit studies in the field, to computational approaches applied to large archival data sets. Prior to her Ph.D., Sanaz worked in finance in the U.S. and U.K. She also holds a Master of Public Policy from UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Katherine Ullman
Data Scientist

Katherine Ullman is a Data Scientist at Paradigm, a strategy consulting firm that partners with Fortune 500 companies and leading technology firms to help them build stronger, more inclusive organizations. Prior to Paradigm, Katherine was trained at the Management of Organizations PhD program at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, where she studied computational sociology and earned a master’s degree in Business Science. Katherine’s research at Haas focused on gender, labor market inequality, and entrepreneurship.

Anno Saxenian
UC Berkeley School of Information

AnnaLee (Anno) Saxenian is Dean of the School of Information and she holds a joint faculty appointment in the School of Information and the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley. Her scholarship focuses on regional economies and the conditions under which people, ideas, and geographies combine and connect into hubs of economic activity. She is a member of the Apple Academic Advisory Board, and has served as Chair of the Advisory Committee for the National Science Foundation Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (NSF-SBE). 

She is author of the internationally acclaimed Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 (Harvard, 1994) which argues that Silicon Valley’s adaptive capacity derives from it decentralized industrial and social structures that support rapid information exchange and innovation.  She is also the author of The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy (Harvard, 2006), Silicon Valley's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Public Policy Institute of California, 1999), and Local and Global Networks of Immigrant Professionals in Silicon Valley (PPIC, 2002) She has published widely in journals of economic geography, regional economic development, and industrial change. She holds a Ph.D. from MIT, a Master's from U.C. Berkeley, and a BA from Williams College.